Decoding Transformation — Pragmatic Series

Ramprasad Ramasamy
4 min readJan 14, 2021

Pragmatism Series#8: Four Zones of Motivation and Purpose to Personal Transformation

Motivation and a life Purpose drive Personal transformation. More the purpose is to create a positive social impact more the self-motivation levels are.

Motivation is the thing behind all our actions and thoughts. When motivation is self-driven for creating a positive societal impact, personal transformation happens at its best. This impact could be bettering life for others or building a better eco-system for Mankind. A sense of personal satisfaction is also guaranteed.

The Personal Transformation journey can be derived or categorized into four zones. A quadrant representation of various zones signifies various levels at which individuals operate. It also serves as a reference point to reflect upon to move towards the higher levels of Personal Transformation.

Below is the depiction of the four zones, followed by a summary of each zone.

Presence of An Invisible boundary (Zone#I):

In this zone, your actions or thoughts are influenced by external factors, which means you hold an opinion based on other people’s decisions and events happening around you. You are not in control of your thoughts or actions. Under this influence, your ideas and decisions are preconceived and act as norms or benchmarks or validation for future reference. You try to refrain from performing something outside of that preconceived notion. You also witness a strange feeling that someone is watching or refrain from expressing your views due to a fear of rejection.

Insecurity, anxiety, the need for constant validation from others, and focus on their survival are some checkpoints for assessment.

An Inevitable phase (Ref: decoding transformation cycle), everyone experiences this during childhood. This conditioned mindset is evident until a personal change or transformation takes place.

An Orthodox Mindset is externally motivated and has an individual purpose of survival. You are in Zone-I

In summary, you are Strongly opinionated by other views where your Uniqueness is Unrecognized.

Recognition of the Invisible boundary (Zone#II):

A thought or an action that you refrained from doing, but you witness it resulting in a positive outcome through someone else doing it. Sometimes, when you come across or interact with many similar persons like you in a similar situation or state of mind. Validating the above two scenarios is the first step in recognizing the invisible boundary.

The Trend (Ref: decoding transformation cycle) of self-restraint due to the external influence in multiple situations and observation of similar like-minded persons will be evident.

You start to question your feelings of Insecurity, anxiety, and the need for constant validation from others. But you still focus on your survival.

A doubtful Mindset is externally motivated and has an individual purpose of survival. You are in Zone-II

In summary, you are strongly opinionated by other views where your Uniqueness is Recognized.

The happiest moment in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change.

Crossing the boundary (Zone#III):

A realization point when you think the world is not as superior as you had assumed or when few of your thoughts or actions that were initiated by you resulted in positive outcomes. The inflection point here is when one or two like-minded persons draw inspiration from your self-improvement initiatives having a positive impact is when their Invisible boundary is recognized. This inflection point, in turn, motivates you to further your self-improvement initiatives.

It is like the Consultative approach (Ref: decoding transformation cycle) looking from the third set of eyes. What follows afterward is magic and what you are seeking comes to you fast and faster as more and more you progress. A few examples could be expressing your thoughts, participating in a forum, upgrading your knowledge, or a job search, or attending to someone personal to support a close associate.

You start to dismantle the invisible boundary of Insecurity, anxiety, need for constant validation from others. And focus on improving self yet with the purpose of uplifting others.

An inspired Mindset through inspiration created on others. You are in Zone-III

In summary, you believe in your opinion and back your decisions expressing your Uniqueness.

Build someone up. Put insecurities to sleep. Remind them they’re worthy. Tell them they’re magical. Be a light in a too often dark world.

Beyond and Blossom (Zone#IV):

With Crystal Clear Clarity (Ref: decoding transformation cycle) and self-belief, you start to accept that everyone is unique and purposeful living is the way of life. Feedbacks, Criticisms, or Opinions welcomed constructively. It is like “Finding One’s Feet (Ref: Decoding transformation cycle) and embracing uncertainty with clarity.

A self-motivated Mindset for self-improvement with purpose. You are in Zone-IV

In summary, the alignment of Individual and societal purposes to create a positive outcome.

Depicting below is the Decoding Transformation Cycle (Vs) Personal Transformation mapping: (Ref: decoding transformation cycle)

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