Decoding Transformation-‘Realism’ series

Ramprasad Ramasamy
3 min readOct 19, 2020

‘Realism’ series#7: Next moment, You BET your Life!

For every passing second, there is an input generated through the five human senses that alter the human experience. Experiences created over a period conditions the mind in a certain way. Any new experiences trigger a deviation to the conditioned mind. This conditioned mind is the foundation of human Beliefs, Expectations, and Thoughts (BET) that results in actions ever since birth.

The reality is the above-conditioned mind is still until that moment. An uncertainty follows every second that is passed by. An outcome follows an action due to a Belief or an Expectation or a Thought has two possibilities.

a) Favorable, aligned with the desired outcome

b) Unfavorable, not aligned with the desired outcome

Universal Solution:

The more flexible the conditioned mind, leads to progression, the more rigid, it leads to regression.

The above context testifies why sporting a flexible mindset is of paramount importance to psychological well-being. Psychological fitness leads to economic and societal progress. A classic example of a psychological impact created by an uncertain situation is the ongoing pandemic situation. This situation is the mother of all uncertainties that humans witnessed in this modern era.

“While the estimates of the impact vary, data emerging from different parts of the world suggest that between a third to half of the population are reporting significant anxiety symptoms, up to a third are describing depressive symptoms, a quarter are reporting substance use, and up to 20 percent are experiencing post-traumatic stress”

This occurrence validates the “Unfavorable” outcome affecting many, with opportunities to learn are unlimited. As this has in all or many ways proven that human Beliefs, Expectations, and Thoughts (BET) accumulated over a period are challenged and proved to be wrong.

This unfavorable outcome presently has unearthed a Universal Solution characterized as:

  • Acceptance of the situation at every spectrum of the society
  • Getting used to it and learning something anew
  • Re-purposing a different way of operating to accomplish the need

BET your Life:

The universal solution is being followed across the globe, actions are taken with clarity and will act as a blueprint for future events. This turnaround would not have been possible without altering the human Beliefs, Expectations, and Thoughts (BET) enabled by sporting a Flexible Mindset. And realizing there could always be different outcomes for an action.

The characteristics of the ‘Universal solution’ is like that of the characters of sporting the Flexible mindset. They are:

  • Acknowledging the fact that there could be a deviation from an expected outcome is the first step towards sporting a flexible mindset
  • Designing alternatives to achieve the desired outcome is the second step. These alternatives could result in a better or different from the original outcome
  • Aptly Executing the alternatives (quite often this is different from the usual action taken)

The moment lost in experiencing an uncertain situation can be regained by carefully counting the next moment with a purpose.

So, next moment you BET (Beliefs, Expectation & Thoughts) right when faced with an uncertain situation.

Ref*:<<Decoding Transformation cycle — Part-1>>

