Decoding Transformation — Optimism Series

Ramprasad Ramasamy
4 min readAug 12, 2021

Optimism Series#1: Let it go before it lets you go!

During the weekend, in a casual conversation with my Son, I challenged him if he could stay without food for one day; he immediately replied, oh yes, it’s easy, but for some water. While it was during a casual conversation of food-related topics, however, it turned out to be partly intentional from my side to ascertain his resolve if any of the basic needs to live life becomes a luxury at some point. I reinstated the question again to him and was curious to know how it would be possible. Within myself, I was anticipating he would change his response.

“I have been without food before I was born,” hence I can be without food for a day,” was the answer.

The answer was instant and profound, to my surprise, which made me reflect on our Beliefs and Imagination the whole weekend.

Human growth comprises mental and physical development. Largely the growth aspects are strongly influenced by the Geographic locational customs, Socio-Cultural-Religious elements and, Personal aspirations. As years go by, an individual’s aspirations vary from time to time and become focused based on the beliefs accumulated over a while.

As we observe, listen and see more, we are exposed to more information, stacking it up every second, leading to a great wall of beliefs. Yes, it’s a wall of Beliefs, as sometimes it acts as a barrier or provides direction.

A Barrier, if things don’t go as we desired

A Direction, if things happen as we desired

This strong belief also sets a thinking pattern that tends to be a constraint when faced with an unknown situation. Quite often, the majority of grown-up’s state of mind will be fluttering with anxiety and ultimately filled with fear. The Unknown Situation could be a thought or assumption of you being deprived of any of your (temporary) possessions or any external act derailing your day-to-day way of living life.

“Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration, and resentment” — Dale Carnegie.

Now recapping and interpreting my Son’s response into two parts; firstly, there was a crystal clear clarity of thought in his mind, as far as his remembrance goes, he has never been without food, and timely he satisfies his hunger. Secondly, his Imagination of how he would have been without food before he was born.

Unearthing the profound learning; Realizing the reality of eating food every day and an instant Imagination of how it could have been possible and could be tried out (without eating for a day). The latter part of Imagination left me speechless. That was a sign of Optimism.

This level of Imagination and thinking is possible if our beliefs do not always influence our thinking patterns, and we sport a flexible mindset. One may argue that the higher probability of an outcome to be as expected as desired at a younger age than one grows older due to the beliefs building as barriers and the influence on our natural ability to respond to an unknown situation.

“Lesser we expose ourselves to information overload, higher is our chances of response to an unknown situation in a creative way.”

Spiritual literacy reminds us of seeking mental stability through reminding ourselves of Nothingness, Emptiness, Oneness, Silence, Humility, and Equanimity. This, in other words, signifies the “realization” of reality — here are the beliefs we hold over the period acting as a barrier to our progress and creating possibilities through “imagination” to overcome the Barriers we had built.

So, let go of the anxiety, fear, and let go of any inhibition before you feel restless, uncomfortable, and succumb to pressure.

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